Investing in Your Future
Investing in Your Future
We are happy to connect you with our network of preferred lenders who understand our homes, our customers and the financing packages that will be most advantageous for you.
Financing Your Home
Our preferred lenders are members of premier networks and can secure some of the most competitive rates available. They can provide you with a range of options to suit your needs.
We invite you to contact any of the preferred lenders listed below at your convenience.
Shore United Bank
Marcus Goerdt
NMLS ID: 951894
US Bank
Phil Howell
NMLS ID: 659432
Fulton Mortgage
Brian Morley
NMLS ID: 615362
McLean Mortgage Corporation
Carol O'Connell
NMLS ID# 186968
Sandy Spring Break
Jeff Starcher
NMLS ID: 408139
Old Line Bank
Mike Dunn
NMLS ID: 71713